December 2019, I will publish my new book of About the Light (or a Nation) Around You. I made this series as a continuation of my previous work Daily Life and the Constitution (2016). I chose to approach the same theme from a different angle.
Most of the times we are not aware of the light around us, but photos can catch it. In the same way, I wanted to use my camera to catch what we don’t consciously perceive. Every one of us is part of public or national history, but our personal history is not seen. Our everyday lives are fragile, sometimes confusing, often conflicted, and full of small details and experiences that would get lost if our private story became public. Therefore, I aimed to, on one hand, catch the light of our everyday lives, but also, to protect small personal details.
I had exhibitions in 2019 at the MOMA Hayama, Nikon Salon Tokyo, and Osaka. For my three exhibitions, I created a photo book that had a strong hand made feel to it. My working process went back and forth between making a private album or a publicly distributed book. The version we are producing now will be similar. I wondered if I can make somthing public that was once private without losing its original expression.
When I created my photo work, my main thought was how our private lives are connected to or separate from invisible powers such as social norms. So, when I created the books I wanted to continue this thought. The hand made style of the book relates to the private insights of the pictures.
Onaka Shunsuke, my very respected book designer, will design this work with 200 limited editions.
写真家。1975年東京都武蔵野市生まれ。とりとめのない経験や感覚を作品の中におきなおすことを試みています。主な個展に「きみのせかいをつつむひかり(あるいは国家)について」(2019年、ニコンギャラリー銀座・大阪)、「光のトレイス」(2016年、京都国際写真祭KYOTOGRAPHE)など。グループ展に「みえるもののむこう」(2019年、神奈川県立近代美術館葉山)、「New Japanese Photographer」(2015年、IMA Gallery)など。2014年「KITSILANO」でJAPAN PHOTO AWARD 受賞。東京大学大学院総合文化研究科博士課程在籍。表象文化研究。主な研究対象はジョナス・メカス。
グラフィックデザイナー、詩人。1975年山口県宇部市生まれ。美術関連の印刷物や書籍のデザインを手がける。最近の仕事に『呼吸する地図たち』(2019年、山口情報芸術センター[YCAM])、『みえるもののむこう』(2019年、神奈川県立近代美術館葉山)、『ジョーン・ジョナス』(2019年、京都市立芸術大学ギャラリー@KCUA、ロームシアター京都)など。『はな子のいる風景 イメージを(ひっ)くりかえす』(2017年、武蔵野市立吉祥寺美術館)で第52回造本装幀コンクール東京都知事賞。詩集『CUL-DE-SAC』で第15回中原中也賞最終候補。
ブックデザイン:尾中俊介(Calamari Inc.)
定価:6,500円+税 〔 +送料(ゆうメール)500円〕
定価:9,000円+税 〔 +送料(ゆうメール)500円〕
4th Nov - 30th Nov. 2019.
(I’ll present special making-notes only for the customers who make a pre-order. )
Date to publish: December 2019. ( it may change as needed)
Book Design: Onaka Shunsuke (Calamari Inc.)
Text: Sanbonmatsu Tomoyo (Chief Curator of The Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura & Hayama)
With signature and edition number included.
Price: \6,500 + tax + shipping fee. (Please ask me if you live overseas.)
With an original print(8×10size) printed by the photographer, signature and edition numbers.
Price: \9,000 + tax + shipping fee. (Please ask me if you live overseas.)
Please add” Photobook pre-order request”
I will reply to the way of paying and shipping.
外装サイズ‖H 184×W 270mm
本文サイズ‖B5 判(H 182×W 257mm)
頁数‖カラー 128頁・モノクロ18頁
outside size H184×W270mm
Body size H182×W257mm
Bookbinding / sewing, tacking, foil stamping
Number of pages / color 128 pages, monochrome 18 pages
200 copies